Are you missing out on LinkedIn Mastery? There’s one BIG mistake that I see lots of B2B companies making on LinkedIn right now, and it’s stopping them from generating a steady flow of warm enquiries. In-fact, it’s such a big marketing mistake that no matter how consistent they are at posting, commenting, etc. They STILL don’t win any business.
Which is frustrating, to say the least. The question is – What’s stopping you from generating interested leads is sounding exactly the same as all their competitors. The amount of B2B websites, posts, emails, and other marketing I see full of vague, meaningless, generic, corporate, and uninteresting gobbledygook is incredible.
My point being:
- Far too many people write far too many words and no one reads them
- Other’s write posts that are simply not interesting to their target market
- Some people make the BIG mistake of selling to people before they are ready to buy. I often get asked to connect, and then 10 seconds later, I get 1,000 words asking me to buy product A, B. or C.
- Then there are people who post once per week because they don’t want to bombard people. What a load of BS! Don’t they realise that no one is reading their posts anyway? That is like joining the gym and going there once a week and doing 5 curls and wondering why they are not getting fitter
- Lastly, there are the people who write good, interesting content but fail to add a CTA (call to action).
If you want a steady flow of high quality leads coming to you on a regular basis from LinkedIn, then you need to:
- Sound new, different and UNLIKE ANYTHING they’ve seen before
- Get really specific about who you help and what problem you solve
- Make your marketing stand out from the crowd
- Put more effort in. If you are not posting 5+ times per day across your social media network, then you are wasting your time!
- Use video. We are seeing an ongoing increase in the use of video. Specifically, ‘short” video format. Even LinkedIn are beta trialing TikTok style video’s on their app right now
- Never, ever, ever, ever post anything on social media without a CTA
- Call people out, tell them why you can help, and then tell them to do something. For example, watch this video, got to my website, read this blog post, sign up for this webinar, etc.
Get that right…
And your ideal customers will:
- Stop scrolling and think, “Oooh, I want that!”
- Make an enquiry
- Attend one of your events
- Watch your video.
This is often NOT enough to close the sale on its own.
- You need to speak to people
- You need to send out 121 messages
- You need to send people 121 video
- You MUST pick up the PHONE.
I hope this works for you, and if you want to discuss getting some help, then please feel free to drop me a line on 07977 074497, or book a zoom call to discuss how to win more business. Use this link.
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