Marketing Advice Hampshire

If you want to succeed in your business, then do this…

1: Pick a niche within wealth, health, and relationships industries

They’re great niches because people will always want more money. They will always want to be healthier, and they will always want better relationships.

2: Find the problem that people have in relation to that niche

For example: In the money niche, people will always want to become better at investing their money, saving money,, or marketing their business. In the health industry, they often want to lose weight, or become fitter. It relationships that may want to find a new one. Stay in their current one, or get out of their current one!

3: Create a freebie that leads to a simple email funnel

The next step is to create a freebie. This could be in the form of a free report, workbook, or perhpas a free video based programme. You could also offer a free online, or physical seminar (a taster). This gets people involved with you and it helps them to see you as an expert in your field.

This also enables you to add them to your email system and then turn them into paying customers.

4: Next you need to build a personal brand that focuses on the problem and solution around this topic.

This means getting your name out there in a massive way. No more saying I don’t want to be too pushy. You don’t but neither do you want to do so little marketing that no one knows you and you are your industries best kept secret. Remember, if you’re selling to everyone, you’re selling to no one – stay in your niche.

5: Step five is follow influencers and creators who cover the same topic as you.

Learn from them. For example, on the coaching and training industry there is a guy called Tony Robbins. His turnover is reported to be $7 billion per year. Do you think I could learn learn something from Tony? I am 100% sure I could. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.

6: Get clear on your SEO keywords and post consistently.

If you were looking for you on Google what would you type into Google? Once you are clear about what you want to get found under on Google then focus your attention on this. Why do you think this blog post is called Marketing Advice Hampshire? It is because I want to get found on Google under the search term Marketing Advice Hampshire. Check out if you can find me under that term.

If this sounds like a lot, then you would be right, it is a lot. Not one said becoming wealthy by running your own business was going to be easy. It takes a lot of work and a lot of focus on sales and marketing.

That’s why literally every single step mentioned is covered in my RESULTS Mastery Programme.

Past students have gone from no audience to £ millions.

Join now to get immediate access.

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